Boss SD-1 "C6" Mod

I recently purchased an SD-1 to dip my toe into the pedal-modding waters. After a little research, the simplest option appeared to be the "C6" mod, which involves removing the capacitor at C6. In theory this results in a brighter, more open and clear-sounding pedal.
This mod is incredibly simple to do, and if you don't like it, you can always put it back. It's definitely worth a try. To help you decide, I've included a couple of playing clips featuring both the stock and modded versions.

To my ear, it's undoubtedly brighter and slightly more open-sounding. While I like the way it sounds, it's a matter of personal preference, and you might find it a little too bright and brash. If you want to fine-tune it, you can experiment with different capacitor values at C6.
I should also point out that if you want to buy an SD-1 to mod, the newer ones are surface mount and cannot be modded. To be safe, go for one manufactured before 2016, which features through-hole construction and can be modded. Good luck!
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