How to Fix the Volume Taper Issue on the MXR Timmy Overdrive Pedal

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Noticed your MXR Timmy’s volume jumps from too quiet to too loud at one point in the sweep? This step-by-step guide will show you how to fix it, giving you a smoother, more usable volume control.
How to Fix the Volume Taper Issue on the MXR Timmy Overdrive Pedal

I recently picked up a used MXR Timmy to compare it with my original Timmy V2, and the first thing I noticed was the volume stayed really low until around 1 o'clock, when it suddenly jumped up. After a bit of research, I found that this is a pretty common issue with the MXR Timmy, and came across a response from Paul Cochrane on how to fix it.

The fix is pretty simple: just solder a 4.7K resistor across the input and the wiper of the volume pot. If you're comfortable with a soldering iron, it’s a quick and easy job. The MXR Timmy is straightforward to take apart since it’s modular. Just unscrew the jacks and footswitch, and you’ll be able to remove the main board to access the one with the potentiometers.

MXR Timmy Main Board Removed
MXR Timmy Main Board Removed

At this point, I also removed the potentiometer board to give myself more room to work. I used a dab of hot glue to keep the resistor in place since the solder pads are pretty small, and I didn’t want anything to move. Then, solder the 4.7K resistor as shown below:

MXR Timmy Volume Taper Fix
MXR Timmy Volume Taper Fix

And that’s how you fix the weird volume taper on your MXR Timmy! With just a small tweak, you can make the volume control infinitely more usable. Why not give it a try?—happy modding!

